Hang out on LinkedIn for a while and you’ll sense a rumbling of mounting pressure amongst employers for workers to get back into the office full time. It seems that many employers would prefer the one-size-fits-all approach. That makes sense – it’s easier to manage. But in reality, the days of everyone in the office have gone, and hybrid working is a viable option for many (I’m working from home as I type!)

In the bid to crack the whip, LinkedIn reveals employees are voting with their feet with a third of UK employees saying they will quit if forced to work in the office full time and I posted last week that Google Trends data reveals searches for ‘work from home jobs’ and ‘hybrid jobs’ are hitting all-time highs.

As such, employees increasingly realise that they have the choice of finding the work-style that works for them, whether it’s hybrid, full-time in the office, or WFH. But have you actually stopped to consider which working style actually suits you best now it’s not enforced by a pandemic? We unpick your options.

Does WFH suit you best?

Working from home takes a great deal of discipline, motivation, and self-management to be productive when you are not in a traditional office setting. Therefore, working from home tends to suit individuals who are self-starters, independent thinkers, and have excellent time management skills.

People who thrive in a WFH environment are typically organised and able to prioritise their workload effectively. They are also good at setting boundaries and can balance their work and personal life, even when they work from the same location.

Additionally, WFH is ideal for introverted individuals who prefer a quieter work environment and need time alone to focus on their work.

Full-time working from home doesn’t suit everyone as it requires a strategic approach to colleague communication, productivity and career development.

Does hybrid working suit you best?

Hybrid working is the best of both worlds for many, but it still doesn’t suit everyone. This is because the hybrid worker must be highly-organised and highly-flexible. For example, you need to realise the value of WFH when you’ve got a presentation to prepare, but also value the social team connection and collaboration gained from being in the office. Hybrid working also takes structured organisation across the entire team to work.

Hybrid working suits those who have a high degree of self-discipline, but who also thrive from the bustling office environment. It suits those in search of a good work life balance, especially in the context of cost of living impacts on commuting costs.

Hybrid working works for those who can adapt seamlessly to different environments and workflows while maintaining productivity and collaboration. It is successful when individuals are able to communicate their needs and expectations with their team and managers.

Does in-office working suit you best?

The ideal person for full time office-based working is someone who thrives in a fast-paced and social environment and prefers face-to-face interaction with colleagues.

A person who is highly sociable, outgoing, and enjoys teamwork is well-suited for working in an office full-time. They thrive on the energy and camaraderie of being around other people and value the social interaction that comes with working in an office. They draw their motivation and productivity from being around others. Additionally, they may recognise that their home environment is not conducive to effective WFH or hybrid working.

Working in the office full-time is also ideal for individuals who enjoy structure and routine in their workday. They may prefer having set hours and a defined work environment, which can help them stay focused and productive.

It’s your choice

What’s become evident in recent months is that it is the employees’ choice when it comes to the crunch. Yes, the employer can set expectations, but if they don’t offer true flexibility of choice, employees will walk because other employers will offer what suits them best.

Are you looking for WFH, hybrid or office-based roles? Find the work-style that suits you as a F1rst Commercial candidate.

Our next article will be published in May. If you have a colleague that would find this information valuable, please forward this on to them or tag them below. For latest updates don’t forget to follow us on social media. LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook