Jobs Outlook Report – February 2022

F1rst Commercial Recruitment report on jobs

It’s been a somewhat mixed and turbulent start to 2022 for the UK economy, and of course that feeds through to the jobs market. While Omicron seems to have been navigated remarkably well, and recovery continues apace, we can’t escape rising inflation. We also need to have an eye open for how the war in […]

Hybrid working is here to stay

We often think of employers and employees as being on different sides of tug o’war. In the area of hybrid working, since lockdowns have ended, there’s been renewed jostling. On one hand employees want to keep the flexibility of the hybrid model and on the other, employers are encouraging employees back into the workplace. Indeed, […]

Jobs Outlook Report – January 2022

F1rst Commercial Recruitment report on jobs

As we reach the midway mark of the first quarter of the year, it’s an interesting and varied picture for the recruitment market. In many ways it’s ‘more of the same’ following the job market characteristics of the last few months, and in addition, we need to have an eye ahead on rising inflation and […]

What is hybrid burnout and what can you do about it?

F1rst Commercial Recruitment What is Hybrid Burnout

Before we’d ever heard of Covid, many of us were always keen to move to a more flexible and hybrid working model. Hybrid working is a mixture of home and office working and is hanging around as the post-pandemic new normal. But now that it’s here for many, are we happy about it? There is […]

Jobs Outlook Report – December 2021

F1rst Commercial Recruitment report on jobs

2022 is launching itself from the starting blocks with intensity when we look at the most recent recruitment data available up until the end of last year. Indeed, unemployment continued on its downward trend, with the ONS reporting that there were 257, 000 more employees on payrolls in November 2021 than just the month before. […]

Jobs Outlook Report – November 2021

F1rst Commercial Recruitment report on jobs

It’s been another month where we continue to see robust recovery in the world of work. Whilst Omicron and associated concerns around that may add to uncertainty over the next few months, at the moment we are proving a resilience that’s enabling a very tight and strong labour market. There’s a LOT of hiring going […]

Jobs Outlook Report – October 2021

F1rst Commercial Recruitment report on jobs

The latest REC Report on Jobs kicks off with Kate Shoesmith, Deputy CEO, stating that “we are moving into a new phase of the recovery, as the initial bounceback in demand starts to ease.” What we are seeing is the resilience of the labour market as the furlough scheme ended, and recovery continuing apace, but […]

Jobs Outlook Report – September 2021

F1rst Commercial Recruitment report on jobs

As we head into October and use the data to look back on the recruitment market in September, and consider the coming months, we’re doing it against a backdrop of personal knowledge. Every single one of us has seen some of the impact of the latest data in one way or another, whether that’s an […]

Life in the office in a Covid-orientated world

The last month has seen, and the months ahead of us will see, resurgence in workers returning to the office environment. But it’s not a linear line of simply returning to what went before. It feels as if every business is shaping its own new model of working. Some are incrementally increasing office-based days, some […]

Freedom Day and Employers: What’s Happening

Freedom Day has come and gone this week in a subdued haze of continued mask wearing, minimal extra numbers on office commutes, and a ‘pingdemic’ meaning hundreds of thousands having been sent into isolation, rather than released to freedom. It’s certainly not been the relaxed celebration that we originally envisaged (for June), back in the […]